Wild Miner’s Lettuce, Radish Tops, and Radish Salad

26 04 2009
Radish Salad

Radish Salad

I’m really trying to use the spring greens and get to like them so I wanted to do something with them again this week.  After having to leave town early last week and our large salad going bad before we got home I was looking for something a bit smaller in volume this time around.  I liked the Miner’s Lettuce we had last week and found some at the wild foraged booth that was both larger and better looking than the lettuce at the booth I bought it at last week. When  I tried to buy a handful the guy let me know they only sell it by the 1/3 of a lb (I thought it was just priced that way) so he doubled the amount and on I went. 

In the end I decided to go with radishes as my counterpart to this salad.  Not only could I get a bi of crunch into my salad with a single purchase I could also add a handful of a differnet green into the salad. Saving me money, not making a huge salad, and not throwing away the radish tops. Sounded like a winner to me. Randomly the sous chef and I choose the red radishes over the purple ones which turned out to be a bit milder too. 

See! Red radish means mild. And they look like UFOs.

See! Red radish means mild. And they look like UFOs.

When I got home I ate a piece of the radish greens and a bit later my stomach felt a little upset.  I didn’t think it should be caused by the radish greens but I went and asked the internet and it told me I was making it up. But it also mentioned most people don’t eat radish greens because they don’t taste good.  So we were a bit worried I may have ruined some fine Miner’s lettuce (which I ended up rinsing really well and drying with a towel when my roommate warned me if it was foraged we should clean it really well for dog pee… I think the folks selling it cleaned it well enough but I did it all over again!). 

After all of that the salad was good and fine. It was nice and mild and went well with the French Tomato Vingerette salad dressing I bought to try and ween myself off of fully body French dressing.



One response

27 04 2009
CN Heidelberg

I don’t really like most greens either. I’ve tried…why are they always so bitter!? Anyway, if you don’t really like bitter greens you should try lamb’s ear. It’s really common in Germany and called Feldsalat here. It’s soooo mild and tasty.

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